Roundhouse Hickory Stripe Overalls

Buy Here for $49.95

Let’s be real. We’ve often seen small children bossin’ around in hickory striped overalls and felt some envy. Please know that this look is not out of your reach. It does take a minute to realize that you can actually pull these off. I’d suggest getting a pair and wearing them around for some household errands. Hours later you’ll forget that you are wearing them and be standing in the checkout line on a quick errand and people will be giving you love from all directions.

Round House is a wonderful operation that has been manufacturing classic workwear in Oklahoma for over a hundred years. They have a number of different styles that are worth checkin out, but the hickory striped overalls are my favorite. Just know they are not a fashion brand and these overalls have utilitarian worker fit with a full straight leg. You can size down if you are a smaller human being but that full fit is having a heyday right now, so get ahold of these ASAP, and like this gentleman to the left, start getting down to business in them.


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