Lie-Nielson 6” Steel Ruler

Buy it Here for $5

Lie-Nielsen makes exquisite hand tools in Warren, Maine. They are famous for their handplanes. If you have any friends who are fine woodworkers, ask them about Lie-Nielsen and they will most likely start talking very excitedly and foam from the mouth.

Being works of art meant to last a lifetime, you could imagine these tools are not inexpensive. This here is an opportunity to own you very own Lie-Nielsen tool for only five bucks. For reals though, I love this little ruler and use it all the time. The move is to buy six of them and keep two or three in different places and give the rest out as gifts. Added bonus: you’ll most likely get mailed their beautiful catalog for the rest of your days and you can keep a copy by your shittah for the entertainment of your handy house guests.


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